
Betty Culley Young Adult and Middle Grade Book Author


Betty Culley is the award-winning author of young adult and middle grade novels. She’s also an RN who worked as an obstetrics nurse and as a pediatric home hospice nurse. She lives in central Maine, where the rivers run through the small towns.

Young Writer

This is me at ten years old holding my writing notebook.  I had some good times and some hard times growing up, but reading books and writing my truths  made a big difference. It means so much to me that my dream of becoming a writer came true and that I get to share my words with readers.

Betty Culley with writing notebook at age 10

At a Glance...

I live in a small town in central Maine.

The Kennebec River

This is the eddy at the Kennebec River near me. The river plays a big part in THREE THINGS I KNOW ARE TRUE, and I visited the river for inspiration during the writing of the book.

The Kennebec River, Waterville, Maine
View from my house in winter facing west. The tallest tree is a big pine.
Some of the books I used to research dowsing, meteorites, space and water when writing my debut middle grade novel DOWN TO EARTH.
Water at a dam along the Kennebec River. It is amazingly loud in Spring after the ice melts.
Visiting the Ahnighito meteorite at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City while writing DOWN TO EARTH.
Ant farm research for my middle grade book THE NATURAL GENIUS OF ANTS. I also cared for a carpenter ant queen and her offspring. In the novel, a summer ant farm becomes a means of healing for ten year old Harvard and his family. .
I went into foster care at nine months old and was adopted three years later. This is a photo of me when I was in foster care. THE NAME SHE GAVE ME is about sixteen year old adopted girl Rynn, who searches for her biological family and finds a younger sister she never knew about.

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